Manchester Personal Trainer, Ollie Lawrence knows that nutritional advice is just as important as a good exercise regime in keeping an individual fit and healthy.
Eating correctly would appear to be a simple strategy to understand but still in this day and age where nutritional advice is widely available from product labels to prime time TV it is still amazing how many people get it wrong.
At Ollie Lawrence Personal Trainer in Manchester part of the fitness programmes we compiled for clients includes nutritional information and suggestions on correct lifestyle changes that may need addressing with client’s current diets.
The way that different foods can affect our bodies makes a phenomenal impact on the speed and success that physical exercise has on achieving the goals we have set ourselves for our bodies. In essence, physical exercise is never going to prove as successful if it is not combined with certain foods in order to achieve a successful result.
Most of us already know that losing weight comparatively to building body muscle will require two entirely different nutritional diets and even food groups whilst taking into consideration good cholesterol, wellness and digestion.
Following a good nutritional programme and eating the right foods combined with exercise will provide the following positive benefits:
· Reduction in diabetes risk
· Better protection against some cancers
· Better immune system
· Less risk of stroke
· Less risk of coronary heart disease
· Increase in energy
· Decreased risk of diabetes
During client’s fitness programmes Manchester Personal trainer Ollie Lawrence regularly assess eating patterns and works closely with clients to devise the best strategies to make the most impactful nutritional diet changes.
The changes that clients will see from a Manchester personal trainer of the high calibre that Ollie and his team have reached is a healthy nutritional programme that not only serves as the best advice in the short term but is essential health and fitness advice in the long term. In the best and most successful cases a client will take their tailored nutritional programme and use it to make a lifestyle change.
Utilising such essential health information is a huge deterrent to suffering a range of common diseases and illnesses not to mention a boost to energy levels. In short, eating the right foods long term will not only help you to achieve your desired body shape but will boost your immune levels and provide a healthier body from which you can enjoy a fitter, happier life.
Manchester Personal Trainer Ollie Lawrence instils important messages about the impact of the food we eat and how this affects the human body.
Food is essentially material and “information” that is required for the body to function properly and getting it wrong means a decrease in health and slower metabolic processes leading to obesity.
There is an old saying which is; “you are what you eat” and this certainly stands true.
In other words, it is true to say that nutrients directly provide our bodies with instructions on how to function, so in this sense, it is often better to understand that food is a source of “information” for our bodies. Thinking about food in this manner really helps us analyse more deeply what it actually is that we are consuming regularly and what impact that this is having.
To understand the wider picture of what food provides to us is to grasp nutrition beyond the available information that many of us adhere to being guided by; good / bad foods, calories and grams of fat. Adopting a different approach to diet to incorporate the foods that we do need is essential, it’s far more common for people to think about what they should ‘exclude’; rather than what they should ‘include’ and it is important to remember food is not our enemy.
Food is the most controllable and impactful element we have to maintain healthy body function and increased energy levels. Food is in fact very much our friend as long as it is used to our body’s advantage.
It will be no surprise to anyone to be informed that fast food is probably one of the worst culprits for obesity and poor health in the western world. Fast food is full of fats and sugars which have been chemically altered and, essentially send all the wrong signals to our bodies.
While food scientists once believed that diseases including; type II diabetes, heart disease, obesity, strokes and certain cancers were the cause of a single gene mutation they now attribute these conditions to biological dysfunction networks.
This means that the food we consume is an integral factor in that dysfunction should our diets be lacking in the correct balance of nutrients. It is therefore vital that we understand how multiple nutrients from our diets directly affect our body’s functionality.
Essentially a good nutritional programme will help to train your body (in a relatively short time) to crave good healthy foods and to naturally become less interested in fatty, sugary and over processed foods.
Manchester Personal Trainer, Ollie Lawrence will show his clients’ that the fastest, healthiest and most successful way to lose weight or gain muscle is to combine both a healthy, tailored nutritional programme with a tailored fitness programme. Not only does your body benefit faster from this approach but even your skin will become healthier as your body rids itself of toxins.
Is this a lifestyle choice that any of us can afford not to make?
For more information on tailored nutrition and fitness programmes with Manchester Personal Trainer Ollie Lawrence and his team please click here or call Ollie today on 0161 399 00 77