Personal trainers can be utilised for a number of different reasons, from weight loss to increased fitness, absolutely anyone can benefit from a personal trainer. The majority of our client base is made up of clients that have never stepped into a gym before and want to get fit whilst losing weight and toning up. However as previously stated no matter who you are, you can achieve better results with another person teaching and mentoring you, we have professional athletes and even other personal trainers currently training here that also learn a lot from our trainers.
Whether clients want to utilise their trainer for increased motivation, by knowing you have someone to count on, who isn’t going to cancel going to the gym when you’re tired and can’t find the motivation yourself, or you are looking for someone who has the qualifications and personality to teach you how to learn new skills and teach you about your body, there are many reasons to use the services of a personal trainer.
This is all dependent on your goal, but for weight loss and increased muscle tone for instance, whether you are male or female you will mainly be doing a mixture of both free weight and cardio exercises. Many people, have the misconception that lifting free weights will make you physically muscular and many people liken it to a body builder. This is completely false. Lifting weights is the correct way (with the correct technique – another reason to use a PT) to increase your metabolism and speed up the weight loss process.
Again this is dependent on your individual goals, our trainers will work you out a specific nutrition plan, if you stick to your individual nutrition plan you will see results quicker. In order to lose weight (seeing physical numbers dropping on the scales) you must change your habits, changing your nutrition habits is big part of accelerating your results. Don’t worry though, we’ll teach you everything you need to know and mentor you along the way.
We book an hour out of our diaries for each client, but Typically a session lasts between 50 minutes to an hour, this includes a warm up, main session and cool down.
We don’t charge personal training sessions by the individual session, we do block bookings only. This allows for more commitment from both us as trainers and yourself as a client. We’re all about building good strong long lasting relationships.
Training sessions are available in blocks of either 8 sessions (2 a week) for £360 or 12 sessions (3 a week) for £480. Everyone renews their sessions typically every 4 weeks. We take either cash, bacs payment (online banking) or standing order payments, so we can accommodate all clients.
Please note, we ask all clients to undergo a minimum of 12 weeks Personal Training.
Typically a minimum of twice a week, some clients train three times a week, again it depends on personal circumstances with disposable income, but obviously the more regularly you train the better results you are going to achieve with us. The reason why we train clients for a minimum of 2 weekly sessions is because especially with weight loss clients can go off the rails with their nutrition plans very quickly, so by us having regular contact with you, there is a higher chance of success with all clients.
Whatever you want, the sky is the limit, its all down to the individual and their goals, this whole process is personal to you, however it’s not uncommon to hear about success stories in the gym from clients losing 10 stone whilst another client completed the great north run at 64 years of age with a hip replacement. The team here are highly experienced and qualified to help you achieve any individual goals you may have, all you have to do is work out what you want to achieve and let us work out how were going to achieve it together!
See what our current and previous clients have to say about us and ill let them answer that question for you – Testimonials
Yes. Once you have filled in the consultation form, one of our trainers will contact you (typically within 24 hours). From your enquiry form , Ollie will pair up your needs with which trainer’s skill set is best suited to help you achieve your goals. The chosen individual Personal Trainer will then call you and book you in with them as all of the Personal Trainers here run their own diaries.
Your chosen Personal Trainer will book you in for your free 30 minute consultation. Whichever trainer Ollie chooses for you to achieve your goals is your chosen Personal Trainer, and you will soon start to build up a great relationship together as you start working together to change your life!