So you want to get fit and in better shape. You want to go at it alone but feel that you’d benefit from some guidance and someone pushing you. But is a personal trainer really worth paying for? Here is a simple breakdown with regards to the benefits of using a Personal Trainer from Ollie Lawrence Personal Trainers.
We may have a qualification in personal training, however this as far as I’m concerned is just a piece of paper so you can gain insurance. The qualifications are more of a way into the industry as obviously if you weren’t qualified you wouldn’t be insured.
Personal training is like most jobs, the old fashioned way of learning… On the job! You pick up new pieces of information every day, whether that’s to do with running my business or with regards to training. Just this week I’ve learned about the effect amino acids can have on certain clients when we take their sugar out if their diet.
Like most industry’s things change on a regular basis, so if we trained clients like the way I was taught in 2002, I wouldn’t get the results I do today! My techniques and methodology have changed massively throughout that time. I read up on research almost every day and I’m always changing nutrition plans and detox ideas, always finding different ways of generating results, so it’s never boring and it’s always evolving. Speak to some of my clients that have been with me 4/5 years they’ll tell you I’m constantly changing things. I’m like that in my private life too. Variety is the spice of life!
Shouting isn’t for everyone, but was is needed for everyone is encouragement, not just in the gym but with phone calls, tweets, texts and emails. I’m constantly on my phone, my mrs will tell you that.
Motivation isn’t just about shouting or speaking to someone in the gym, sometimes when someone Hasn’t been in for a while, they may need a phone call, hence that’s why with my prices, the bare minimum that is expected is to be in at least once a week, it’s so easy for people to fall off the wagon. At the end of the day the way I see it is why wouldn’t you want to get into the gym as often as possible ? You’re a lot more likely to succeed that way.
To keep it simple on this section… Please look at the body transformations and client testimonials section on the website. Here at Ollie Lawrence Personal Training it’s simple WE GET RESULTS!
Structure is massively underrated when people are looking to achieve their goals. You need organisation and structure in place when looking to achieve something. Have goals, make them specifically for you and measurable so you can stay on track, however make sure they are realistic! Your never going to lose a 3 stone in 3 weeks unless you chop your legs off!
Here we put structured nutrition plans in place to compliment your training. Nutrition along with detox advice are the foundations of any goals you want Achieve and that’s the area we focus a lot of our initial attention on.
We teach and mentor you on the science behind nutrition, breaking down what proteins, carbohydrates and fats are needed for your body type and goals. Furthermore, session plans are organised for all your sessions based around YOUR INDIVIDUAL fitness level… In some circumstances, home based workouts or additional stretches are expected of clients to be done in their spare time. All in all, we make you a more organised person and more importantly make you think differently about what your doing in your day to day habits.
To find out more about Ollie Lawrence Personal Trainers in Manchester, get in touch with us by sending us a message below!