Everyone has their flaws. For some it’s easy to get hung on physical flaws, especially when you’re striving for perfection. Clear your mind of a perfect body and focus on a positive self image.
The well known “problem spot”. The area of your body where you look at daily and just wish it would go away. The overloaded stomach area from the overindulgence of breads, pastas and pastries that hide the six abdominal muscles you’ve dreamed of for years. OR the constant “morning face” at work all day just because your loreal ‘wake up’ kit hasn’t worked. It might not be as bad as you think. Your brain takes time to catch up to what you see in the mirror. If you struggle with these issues that are keeping you from true self acceptance then here are some tips to keep in mind.
1) FORGET perfection, it doesn’t exist
The bodybuilders on the front of magazine covers or the athlete in the papers encouraging the participation in sport. It is their job to lift weights and do some cardio along with the eating of 35 meals a week. Everyone starts somewhere and it’s about challenging yourself, growing and learning everyday. Here at Ollie Lawrence personal training studio we can help with this.
2) Avoid Comparisons
Number 1 way to get yourself paranoid? Looking at pictures on Facebook of professional modelling photos and comparing it to your own body. HOWEVER what you don’t see is the lighting/angles used, professional cameras (yes, better quality than the latest iPhone) OR the previous 100 shots just to get the right one. Use it as a motivational tool rather than let it discourage you.
3) Genetics
This is up for debate as some believe you can get any desirable body or look regardless of the cards you were dealt at birth. On the other hand though you have to work with what you’re given and take that little bit longer to achieve ultimate goals. People are born with cellulite, struggle with metabolising carbohydrates efficiently or your ethnicity might play a part in how lean you’ll get. Help yourself by doing research on training techniques for your body type or call us on 0161 399 00 77 and book in for a consultation so we can get you underway. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
4) Different Lifestyles
You might have kids at home, unable to afford a gym membership or simply don’t have the time to workout everyday. Again… Small steps. First of all plan your day. Would a workout be better before or after work? 30mins free at lunchtime? Workout out reduces stress levels. Find a gym, park, field or contact us for that extra motivation and input!
5) Personality
“The person you are far exceeds the physique you walk around with”
Looks aren’t everything. Your body could be great but if you’re just negative all the time then who cares? Having a good body won’t fix personality flaws. Focus on how your clothes fit, sleeping patterns, energy levels etc.
Have a lovely Christmas!!
If you want more information on any Personal Training please call us direct on 0161 399 00 77.