A lot of people say they can’t afford personal training and peoples choices always comes down to money, but what price would you put on changing your life?
What’s the point in paying for a holiday every year if you have health problems related to weight, surely your better off to invest in doing something about your weight issues then your more likely to enjoy your life or holiday… That country’s not going anywhere in a years time, the weight will! Furthermore when people see that we charge upwards of £30 an hour, what they don’t realise is that we work around clients work schedule…
If all my clients worked 9-5 then that’s me not earning money 9-5 and just like everyone else I have bills to pay. We can only train people when they are available, it’s not like personal trainers can do 50 hours a week on £30 per hour, if you think about it, that is the equivalent of being in meetings for 50 hours a week purely concentrating. Not only is it physically demanding it’s mentally draining and you need enthusiasm for every client… That’s part of why great trainers cost what we do… Along with our knowledge.
My clients all see me as value for money otherwise I wouldn’t have more of then for over 3/4 years. They understand and relate to what I’m doing and it’s a pleasure to work with professional people who appreciate the job your doing. Hence why the majority of my clients spend £95+ a week on training.