Almost a year ago I wrote a blog post that looked at the differences between low fat and low carb diets. What I have noticed recently is a mini explosion in the amount of people talking about the low carb, high fat (LCHF) diet. So I thought I would take a look back at what I wrote 12 months ago and see whether public opinion differs from what I told you all.
None of this is particularly new. The Atkins Diet is probably the most famous LCHF diet out there and that has been around for almost half a century. What is new is the science that comes out in relation to fats and carbohydrates every single day. As time progresses we are starting to understand more and more about how different nutrients are affecting our bodies.
Then why is opinion split? For every article that you find saying that LCHF is the way forward, you can find an almost identical one that emphasises the important part that carbohydrates have to play in our nutritional approach to life. So what I’m not going to do is start the whole debate over again. The purpose of this post is to discuss the new, so-called, High Fat Diet.
I’ve already touched on the fact that although this particular diet might be young in age, I would hardly call it new. We are using ideas that have been around since the 1960s here! But forgetting that for a minute, I want to look at the actual plan itself.
The underlying feeling that you get when you read about this is that the creators are trying very hard to take the taboo from fat and eliminate this feeling that is the second F Word. And if I’m honest I quite like that about it. Fats have been grossly misunderstood for a long time and it is only really in recent years that society has seemed to embrace the healthy fats that are out there.
Essentially we are talking about eating more fat in order to get rid of it in the long-term. Confusing, I know, but there is a justification in there. Our bodies use the carbohydrates we eat to provide energy, helping us to complete the most normal of day-to-day tasks without even thinking about it. So if you stop eating carbs completely then your body has no choice but to use up your fat stores, so they say.
Then there is hunger. Without a doubt the reason why most people fail when they try to adopt a healthy approach to eating is because they are just too hungry to keep it going. And remember we aren’t trying to find a diet that you can try for a few weeks, we want a healthier approach that you can sustain for the rest of your adult life! Because food cravings are generally caused by the changing levels in our blood sugar, which is avoided when you opt for a diet that contains mostly fats and proteins. Not to mention that fats digest particularly slowly, allowing you to stay fuller for longer.
The list of supposed benefits goes on and on even longer but those are the main reasons why someone would want to switch to this LCHF approach. Well, that and because they can’t resist the temptation of being able to repeat, no carbs before Marbs, over and over again.
So we might have a new kid on the block with this diet but it is essentially just the same old kid with a change in style. Which means that the same old criticisms still exist and it doesn’t matter how you chop and change a low carb diet, they will always be there!
A successful eating regime is one that works for you and if it is getting you towards your goal and keeping you there then I’m not going to tell you that you are doing it wrong. You just need to be sure that this is something that you can describe as sustainable. Will you be able to stick to this forever and still enjoy yourself every single day? If the answer to that is no then I would be tempted to say that there is probably something a little bit better out there for you.