Where possible, this blog tends to avoid talking about specific foods or individual exercises. Why? Well because just as one swallow doesn’t make a summer, one food or one one exercise doesn’t create the perfect fitness regime. You can fill your diet with one food that is unquestionably beneficial and still live a relatively unhealthy life. Equally, you can focus on one superb exercise and still neglect others that are essential to maximising your results.
That being said, there are certain foods that knowing the benefits of will always be a good thing. And that is why I want to talk about walnuts today. Because nobody should read this and think that they can eat nothing but walnuts and expect to have the figure they want. And they shouldn’t think that walnuts will replace exercise. Everything this blog discusses is just a small part of the overall package.
Now I haven’t just picked walnuts randomly of course. They have been popping up in the news recently for their properties that suggest they may help prevent diabetes, as well as help to control it. We have discussed the reliability of studies here before, so I am cautious when I say this, but: a recent study has found that regular consumption of walnuts can reduce bad cholesterol in the elderly and help to protect against heart disease. But there are studies and then there are studies. Fortunately, this one took place over two years and incorporated cooperation between multiple institutions, which is always what we look for!
Most nuts will fit nicely into a healthy eating regime and a lot of them contain similar vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that contribute towards healthy bodily functions. This doesn’t mean they are all perfect, of course they aren’t. Excessive consumption of any food is likely to have negative consequences and a lot of nuts have a high fat content. Yes, this tends to be unsaturated fats, which are the ones you want to try and focus on eating but fat is still fat. No food is a magic recipe for success but the walnut might be a fantastic addition to your diet that you are missing out on!