The clocks have gone forward, the weather has improved (slowly!) and spring has definitely sprung. For many of us that means more going out, seeing family and friends and even possibly going on holiday. So when we are on the road, eating out and travelling how do we make sure that we don’t let our good eating habits slip?
The good thing is that the diversity of food in today’s world means that wherever you are there is usually a wide range of food available. Going on holiday to Spain doesn’t have to result in two weeks of paella anymore!
So let’s think about what can be done. Well the obvious thing is to plan ahead. You do it when you are at home, so why not do it on your travels? But obviously if you are out and about it isn’t always practical to tuck into pre-made chicken and rice, especially if everyone that you are with are planning on going to the restaurant.
There are still things that you can plan though. For example, check out what the menu has to offer before you go and decide what you want to eat that conforms with your nutritional plan. Let’s be honest though, is that really what you want to be doing on your holidays?
If the answer to that is no then there are other things that can be done. I have never come across a restaurant, be it here or abroad, that won’t try to satisfy all dietary needs. If you don’t want fries, ask for a baked potato and if you want salad then ask for it. Brits are famous for not wanting to seem awkward or complaining.
It isn’t just food that gets consumed to excess at this time of year though. Holidaying abroad for us Brits is now associated with all sorts of wild and wonderful cocktails. Unfortunately these often delicious beverages tend to be laced with lots of sugar. You are far better off just opting for a glass of wine or a beer.
The NHS has identified a few tips for ensuring you don’t adopt poor practices when you are eating out. Here are a few of the things they suggest:
As you can see, often the best option is to just eat slightly healthier alternatives to your traditional favourites. It isn’t like you have to design a whole new plan for yourself.
People are always saying how easy it is to eat correctly. That isn’t the case for a lot of people, we know that. But often what they are getting at is that it is no more difficult than eating unhealthily. And that doesn’t change whether you are at home, on holiday or just out and about.
Warm weather will bring lots more trips to the beer garden and even more eating out, that is only to be expected, but by making a couple of sensible choices you can ensure that you maintain the high levels of achievement that you have already set yourself.