The popular website Runner’s World has set up a Winter 2014 Running Streak that has been branded as 36DaysOfAwesome, with the idea being that for the 36 days between Thanksgiving (27/11/14) and New Year’s Day (1/1/15) everybody should try and run for at least one mile. So if you have been thinking about getting into running but you haven’t really found the right motivation this might just be it.
There should be no part of your training that is a chore. It’s a well known fact that if you aren’t enjoying a particular part of your workout you are far more likely to give it up. This is one of the major problems with cardio and in particular running. A lot of people just don’t seem to want to do it, so they just cut it out completely.
If it’s motivation that you are lacking then the RW Run Streak might be the perfect opportunity for you to start running. Because of Runner’s World’s huge popularity a lot of people are taking part in this running streak and they are doing everything they can to connect all those people together. You can share your progress with others taking part on all forms of social media, including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. By using the hashtag #RWRunStreak you’re able to log your progress as well as look at everybody elses. It’s far easier to keep at it when you know people all over the globe are doing it with you too.
Ordinarily I would suggest avoiding regimes with a deadline but this is something completely different. It’s not saying that you can expect anything unrealistic in a short period of time, it’s just trying to get more people interested in, and enjoying, running. Let’s be honest, if there’s one time of year you probably ought to up the amount of cardio it’s going to be around the festive period.
You don’t need to worry about overtraining either. 36 days might seem a long time but just remember it is only a mile a day and you should find that if you stick at it the mile on New Year’s Day should be over a lot quicker than this Thursday’s.
If you do feel particularly tired one day, don’t worry! There’s no obligation to run at a particular speed or at a particular intensity. So you can approach each day based on how you are feeling – if you feel really energetic you can do 2 miles at a really quick pace and that’s great. But if the next day you aren’t feeling that explosive there is nothing wrong with doing just the one mile at a much more gentle pace. That’s why this is such a good idea, it can be tailored to suit your needs.
It might be that you already run well over a mile each and every day as it is. If that’s the case then you don’t even need to worry about the extra workload, you can just enjoy sharing your progress with everyone else and helping to motivate others.
So don’t forget, the hashtag is #RWRunStreak and it really is as simple as running just one mile a day from this Thursday (27/11/14) every day until New Year’s Day! Why not give it a go? You might surprise yourself with how simple it is and how effective it will prove to be.