Christmas is just three days away. So now is the time for everyone to comment on how quickly the year has gone and start wondering what 2016 holds for them. But before we start wishing next year away, hadn’t we better focus on this next week first? I don’t know about you but this is definitely my favourite time of year!
We all probably associate Christmas with different things based on our family traditions but I can guarantee that we all regard Christmas as the time of year for sweet things. Whether it is a mince pie on Christmas morning, Christmas pudding after lunch or a slice of Christmas cake in the evening, we just can’t escape it.
That’s all before we have even thought about chocolate! So if we want to limit the amount of sugar we have this Christmas, is it even possible? Of course there is always abstinence. Simply say no. But that takes a serious amount of will power and you might end up succumbing to a late December binge.
So then you have to think about moderation. Eat what you like, just not to excess. Like I’ve mentioned before though, you are going to find it increasingly difficult to monitor your intake over Christmas when so much is made at home.
Well what about substitution? Is there some way that we can replace the sweet things that we enjoy at Christmas for better alternatives? This way you can eat along with everyone else and you don’t feel rude for having to say no all the time.
So you don’t need to feel helpless at this time of year. At the end of the day it is a time to relax and enjoy yourself with the people in your life. Not a time to be stressed and frustrated with yourself because you loosened the leash. Going to either extreme of eating absolutely everything, to eating very little of most things isn’t going to work here. As with a lot of things, it is about getting the balance between the two right so that you manage to enjoy yourself without undoing all the hard work that you have put in.