We’ve all been there, it’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon, you’ve been busy all day and you haven’t the found time to eat. What do you do?
Protein bars are an incredibly useful way to supplement your nutrition. If you find yourself hungry during the middle of the day, and happen to be out and about, they’re ideal.
Most protein bars contain several nutrients that are essential to form a healthy diet. Now let’s clear one thing up, protein bars aren’t to be had throughout the day as a convenient snack. Where possible, you want to be getting most of your nutrients from your diet. If you’re sat at home don’t reach for the protein bar if you can make yourself a healthy, whole food snack in the kitchen.
The market for protein bars is huge, concentrated with colossal organisations all trying to get you to buy their product. How do you know which is the best for you? Here are some key things to consider:
All kinds of protein bars are available, ranging in flavour, quality and price. Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where you may need to pay more to get the best. Of course there are cheaper alternatives, and that doesn’t necessarily mean that those bars are atrocious, but you need to be careful.
Why would one company offer 24 bars for £16.99, whilst another offers only 12 for £24.99? Well obviously there are a number of reasons of course, but think about it this way – if you load a bar with expensive high-quality nutrients you will have to pay more to make it. However if you substitute some of the nutrients with cheaper alternatives the bar costs less to make, and can therefore be offered to you, the consumer, for less.
I know what you’re thinking – which one should I buy!?
If money is less of an issue, my answer is simple. Quest Bars. Quest manage to maximise nutritional value with flavour intensity to create their wide range of protein bars.
If these bars are out of your price range there is an incredibly wide range to choose from online. Just be sure to buy one that meets your needs.
Just remember, as nice as they are, protein bars are supplements and need to be eaten as one.