Another client who has become a real friend to everyone here at the gym was interviewed by the Manchester Evening News in December 2017 on his wake up call that he wanted to be healthier and change his lifestyle with James it was a picture of him on holiday with his young sons that gave him the jolt to do something which resulted him in losing 7 stone and getting a lot healthier in the process. He then endured cancer and 10 hours of surgery and 6 months of chemotherapy but was back in the gym 6 weeks later as determination to be the best he could for him and for his family
James added: “I was trying to give myself the best possible chance of recovery possible. Two people saved my life; my trainer Ollie Lawrence, and the surgeon who removed the tumour.
“If I was still the 24 stone lump of lard I think I would have keeled over and died.”
You can read the entire story here on the Manchester Evening News Website.
If like James you are wanting to work with a manchester personal trainer, contact Ollie and his team and they will respond as soon as they can.